Travel Diary Ideas – 21 Thoughtful Prompts For Your Travel Journal

A play by play is a great start when it comes to recording your travels in a journal. But if you want to dig a little deeper and take your reflections to the next level, here are 21 travel diary ideas to prompt you. These thoughtful prompts will serve as a diving board for you to jump off to explore more than just what you did. You’ll be able to delve into meaningful journaling about how you feel, how the experience changed you, record the moments you never want to forget, and build the habit of mindfully observing the places you visit.

Travel Diary Ideas – 21 Thoughtful Prompts For Your Travel Journal

A play by play of what you did is a great start, but if you want to dig a little deeper in your reflections, use these 21 travel diary ideas.


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Why you should use a travel diary or travel journal

My introduction to travel journals came when I was 12.

I was on my first ever semi-solo trip where I traveled alone to New Zealand to visit family. When I arrived and climbed into my nana’s car, she pulled out a red notebook that she had bought for me.

Write in this every day“, she told me. It seemed pretty important and I certainly wasn’t going to disagree. So every night I got out my little red book and wrote in it.

I still have the travel journal to this day and it is the best souvenir of the trip. It has preserved moments in time, in a way that photos can’t. When I read it, and the travel journals I’ve had since, I am transported back in time through the words on the page.

Having a travel journal is like having your own personal time machine.

travel diary ideas

The KSB travel journal is lightweight enough to take with you while traveling & snap some pics with of course!

Which travel journal to buy

I 100% think you should pick up a Katie Show Blog Travel Journal because, well it’s the best!

Not only is it super cute, but I made it with the traveler in mind. The journals I had found previously were often bulky, bigger, and not convenient for traveling. Especially traveling with carry on luggage only.

The Katie Show Blog Travel Journal is here to solve those problems because it’s lightweight, bendy, and very convenient for traveling with.

How to use these prompts in your journal

I recommend using the prompt as a heading to get your flow of writing started.

Sometimes with our travel journaling, we want to write everything that happened during the day and end up writing a superficial play-by-play. Using the prompts will help you narrow down and focus on specific topics or moments from the day.

Think of it as a quality over quantity approach.

Write the prompt, start your writing by exploring the prompt, then see where it takes you.

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Travel diary ideas

1. [DESTINATION] by the senses

Use the senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste as subheadings and explain the destination based on how they affect your senses.

2. My favorite moment in [DESTINATION] was…

Instead of trying to write all the little parts of each day, pick your favorite moment on of the day and focus on writing about it in detail.

3. Something new I learned in [DESTINATION] was…

Focus on something new you learned today. Whether that is a new skill, something about yourself, historical or cultural information or something else. Describe this new thing you have learned and how it impacted you.

4. Something I never want to forget from today is…

Imagine yourself old and forgetful. Use your journal to document a memory from the day you’d like to look back on.

5. Something that surprised me about [DESTINATION] was…

What is a way that the destination surprised you? How was it different from your expectations? Did it exceed or not meet your expectations?

6. My favorite food in [DESTINATION] was…

Write about the best food you have tried during your trip. Where did you have it? What was the setting like? Why did you like it?

7. I tried [NEW THING] today and here’s how it went

Whether it’s a new class, food, activity, or even a perspective, traveling and trying new things just go together. Pick something new that you tried and document things like what it was, how it made you feel, how it was different to what you expected.

8. A challenge I overcame in [DESTINATION] was…

Challenges are also synonymous with travel which makes traveling a great way to push outside your comfort zone and overcome them. Pick a challenge you encountered and describe what happened, how you overcame it, and how you feel different after it.

9. I’m grateful for…

Gratitude is one of the best ways to start a journal post because it destroys negativity. Simply pick something that you’re grateful for and describe why.

10. An interesting person I met today was…

One of the most rewarding parts of traveling, in my opinion, is the connections you make with people. Write about someone you met today and what made them interesting.

11. [DESTINATION] changed my mind about…

Did this trip expand your view on a certain topic? Perhaps lifestyle, food, politics, habits, culture, religion, public transport, fashion or anything else. Explore how your view has changed through this travel experience.

12. Lightning round – I’m thinking…, I’m feeling…, I’m grateful for…

Use these three headings and do a little brainstorm session for each based on the day you had.

13. A souvenir I bought was…

Did you buy something to take home with you? Document why you chose it, where you bought it, and what the experience was like. If you are a minimalist traveler, perhaps write about the souvenirs you would have bought if you had the luggage space. What caught your eye and why?

14. [DESTINATION] culture is different from home in these ways…

Explore what is different about the place you are visiting compared to your hometown. Think about things like how is the architecture, the culture, the traffic, the food, the people, the weather, the landscape, the wildlife, or the cost different to your home.

15. The best thing I saw today was…

What did you see today that blew you away? Talk about the details. Why was it memorable?

16. An embarrassing moment today was…

We’ve all had these and they are a lot of fun to look back on. Don’t be shy, write down an embarrassing moment from your trip.

17. The streets in [DESTINATION] are lined with…

Describe what it’s like to walk the streets in the place you are visiting. Start with the streets. What are they made of and what are they lined with? Is it noisy or quiet? Are the people in a rush or laid back? Is it poor or wealthy? What smells fill the air? Are there stray animals or anything else noticeable?

18. [DESTINATION] by the feelings

Use happy, sad, excited and angry as headings, or other feelings you might be experiencing, and use them to explore what feelings the travel experience is invoking in you and why.

19. I’d like to incorporate more [FOOD/LIFESTYLE/BEHAVIOR] into my life

What did you fall in love with that you’d like to include more of in your home life? From as big as a lifestyle change, to as small as a food, how will you incorporate this destination into your home life?

20. Five words I’d use to describe [DESTINATION] are…

Not much explanation needed for this one. Pick your five words and explain why you chose them.

21. This is what I’d tell my friends about [DESTINATION]…

What pieces of advice would you give your friends about planning a visit? How would you describe it to them?

These travel diary ideas should get you started, but of course, make it your own & document what you feel is memorable.

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