Solo Travel Reactions – Travel Bloggers Share The Craziest Things They’ve Heard

You hear all sorts of things when you tell people about your plans to travel alone, especially as a woman. Today I’ve asked a bunch of travel bloggers to share some of the craziest solo travel reactions they’ve heard. These women have heard all these things and still been able to enjoy some awesome adventures around the world. So, if anything, I hope it’s a good reminder to not let the opinions of others get into your head because, sure, maybe solo travel wouldn’t be a good idea for them. But you’re not them.

Solo Travel Reactions – Travel Bloggers Share The Craziest Things They’ve Heard

You hear all sorts of things when you annouce your solo travel plans. Here are some of the craziest solo travel reactions travel bloggers have heard.

Wait until you see this one

I was at a dinner party and an older man (who I had never met before – thankfully!) overheard me talking about a trip I was going on to Mexico without my husband.

He no joke said, “Aw darlin’ you’re just asking to be sexually assaulted if you don’t travel with a man. Take your husband along.”

He acted like he was imparting the greatest wisdom in the world on me. My mind went totally blank and I went to the bathroom without responding.

Submitted by Bailey Gaddis

Check out Intrepid Travel Tribe for family travel guides and follow along on Instagram.

Bailey Gaddis from Intrepid Travel Tribe

One of the most common solo travel reactions

“I could never travel alone.”

If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I could never travel alone,” what’s the main reason holding you back?

As someone who loves traveling both alone and with company, “I could never travel alone” is one of the most common (and craziest) phrases I hear when I tell people that I enjoy exploring countries on my own.

Yet, people are curious and want to know more. “Solo travel” is one of the most requested topics on my blog.

It’s time to release any fears you have about traveling alone.

The number of female solo travelers continues to rise, and while not everyone may be a fan, it’s empowering for many women to explore without limitations.

So get out there and seize your adventure. Life is short. Keep exploring and enjoy the journey!

Submitted by Alex Cerball

Visit her website for more travel guides and follow on Instagram here.

Alex Cerball

The reaction to this solo traveling superwoman

I have traveled ‘solo’ with my daughter many times since she was very little. Our first trip was a long-haul flight from Australia to the UK when she was just 3 months old.

The most common thing people say to me is ‘I don’t know how you do it’.

Whilst it’s not an utterly crazy statement, it is still one I struggle with.

Isn’t it better to be out there exploring the world and everything it has to offer as opposed to the status quo of maternity leave?

We have had the most incredible adventures and, whilst it has been challenging at times, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Submitted by Shelley Whittaker

Check out Wander & Luxe for more guides on solo traveling with kids & follow on Instagram.

Solo travel reactions

Shelley Whittaker from Wander and Luxe

Then there’s this uber judgemental one

Every time I take a trip, someone asks who I’m going with. I will occasionally travel with someone else but I’m a solo traveler probably 85% of the time.

When I respond I’m going by myself, they usually pause uncomfortably and eventually say some variation of “Why?” or “Oh, you’re so brave!”

One time, however, I had a coworker who was clearly disgusted.  His response was, “What… do you not have any friends to go with? That seems kind of pathetic and lonely.”

But solo travelers know otherwise. It’s brave, liberating, adventurous, and a great opportunity to meet new people!

Submitted by Gabby, the Office Escape Artist

Check out The Office Escape Artist here for more solo travel guides and follow on Instagram here.

Solo travel reactions

Gabby, The Office Escape Artist

The reaction from the person who has apparently never done anything alone

The most common question I am asked when I mention solo travel is simply ‘what are you going to do?’

It always floors me because the obvious answer is the same thing I would do if I was traveling with someone else.

I think people often think traveling solo is a totally different experience but it doesn’t need to be. If you are comfortable with your own company there’s nothing stopping you.

Submitted by Kariss

Visit Shy, Strange, Manic for more travel guides and follow on Instagram here.

Kariss from Shy Strange, Manic

Because life is just like the movies, right?

I was planning my internship abroad in London a year or so after the movie Taken 2 was released.

Everyone I knew had watched Liam Neeson go on a murderous rampage to rescue his daughter after she’d been kidnapped in the first movie, and the second was popular.

Without fail, every time I talked to a family member other than my parents about my internship, their first question was: “But you’ve seen Taken, right? Don’t you think it’s dangerous?

Implying that, by going to London by myself, I was asking to get kidnapped.

Submitted by Tina Crouch

Check out Tina’s Travels Abroad here for more travel tips and follow on Instagram here.

Solo travel reactions

Tina from Tina’s Travels Abroad

This escalated quickly

I have heard many crazy things regarding all the solo travel that I do. As a mature woman in her early forties, you’d think people would stop worrying so much but alas, it never ends.

An especially adorable comment was from some much younger coworkers who said they were worried I was going to get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery.

While I recognize that global sex trafficking is a real problem I found it humorous on some level since I’m pretty sure that at my age I’m not the target demographic for this.

Submitted by Cherene

Check out Wandering Redhead for more solo travel guides.

Cher, The Wandering Redhead

And the craziest solo travel reactions I’ve experienced

When I think of the craziest solo travel reactions I’ve heard, two stand out above the rest.

The first is, ‘don’t do that, you’ll get gang-raped.’

What in the blue hell?! How is that automatically assumed? I manage to get around on my own where I live without getting assaulted, why is travel automatically the worst-case scenario?

The second one is a general attitude of that it being selfish to travel alone since I am married. Apparently, you’re a selfish and bad wife if you do that. Especially, if you go away while your husband is left at home because how could he, a grown man, possibly fend for himself?

It’s a really common one and one I’ve never subscribed to. Call me selfish all you want, but just because we get married doesn’t mean we have to throw on an apron, lock ourselves in the kitchen and become Suzy homemaker.

We can travel and chase our goals too.

Solo travel reactions

Other solo travel guides you’ll enjoy


  • Alex February 25, 2020 at 11:09 am

    I loved hearing these stories. Thanks Katie!

    • Katie Mac February 27, 2020 at 8:45 pm

      Thanks for being part of it!

  • Cherene February 25, 2020 at 3:21 pm

    Wow people say some crazy shit! Totally enjoyed reading this!

    • Katie Mac February 27, 2020 at 8:46 pm

      It’s so crazy to hear these stories for sure. Thanks for being part of it!

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