More scary than solo travel

More Scary Than Solo Travel – Things That Give Me The Heebie-Jeebies

UPDATED MAR 2020. Solo travel can seem really daunting and scary. I think it’s only until you do it though because then it’s fun and addictive. When people message me to let me know they would love to travel solo but are a little hesitant, I’m the biggest cheerleader. They always mention that I am brave or whatever, but I really don’t see myself that way. So today, I want to show you that we all have things we think are scary. I’m posting a collection of things I think are way more scary than solo travel. In reality, there’s really no need to be scared of these things and they are a little irrational. Just like for most situations there is no need to be scared of solo travel.

More Scary Than Solo Travel – Things That Give Me The Heebie-Jeebies

Is solo female travel as scary as it seems? Here are 11 things in everyday life that are actually more scary than solo travel.


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1. Buying a car

This one is how this whole post idea was thought up.

I mentioned how grateful I was that my husband’s friend lent me his car when I moved to Hawaii.

Long story short I moved to Hawaii and my husband was sent away for 6 months as soon as I got there. I had no green card yet so no job or friends, just this car to drive around and visit the beautiful beaches.

Anyway, in this conversation, my husband mentioned that if I didn’t have this car to borrow I would’ve gone and bought one.

It seems he had a lot of faith in me because as soon as he said it I returned with ‘hell no that’s way too scary!’

I don’t know what it is but it just seems like such a huge and intimidating commitment to make. And what if you buy a lemon? Too much pressure for me!

2. Trying a new product when my favorite has been discontinued

Eeek this one is really scary because I get so loyal to products or brands that I love.

I usually get a little lost if they get discontinued.

You never know if the new product you’re going to try will be as good and what if you waste money trying it out?

It also applies to places that I love, like if I have a favorite shop and can’t go there anymore it’s scary to try a new one.

When I moved to Italy I had to say goodbye to my favorite shop, Nordstrom. I know I can order online but I like to try things on before I buy.

It was scary to try new stores here not knowing if I was going to like them as much.


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3. Lightning

When I was a young kid living in Queensland I would walk home with my little sister. Part of the walk was crossing a large, open, grassy oval to get to the start of our walking path.

Queensland has some pretty good summer storms which meant we would walk home in these storms.

The rain wasn’t really a bother but crossing that oval by ourselves – which seemed really huge as kids, while there was lightning around was terrifying!

I’ve always been scared of lightning since.

I love to cozy up and watch a storm from the safety of inside the house, but if I’m outside when there’s lightning around I always get scared!

4. Going down an escalator without holding the railing

This is definitely a weird one but when I go down an escalator without holding the railing I always feel like I’m going to fall down.

If I’m carrying things and my hands are full when I go down an escalator it’s game over. I’ll try to lean an elbow or something on the railing.

One time I was at work and had to go down an escalator while I was carrying about 10 IPads. What happened was I put the first foot on the step and, in the 1 or 2 seconds that followed, I was so busy thinking about how I wouldn’t be able to hold the railing that I forgot to put the second leg on.

I ended up in a very wide near splits stance as the belt moved me along!

Luckily I quickly put that second leg on the belt without dropping the IPads, phew!

5. Flying my drone into a tree

Maybe this is a fear of other first-time drone owners but I am very scared of flying my little baby into a tree.

Or birds attacking it.

Also, the wind sweeping it away to the other side of the world.

Or anything bad happening to it really.

I love to use it and I love the photos it can capture from high above, but dang I am like a helicopter parent with it. I worry about that little thing so much.

6. My dogs dying

Now I’m sure this one is pretty common.

I know it will happen at some point but it does scare me to think about my dogs getting old and dying.

One of my dogs got bitten on the neck once which was scary enough.

My dogs are certainly a part of our family – I’m even sure that they are my pack leaders.

They have so much character and personality which has given us so many fun memories so it’s a scary thought to think that they won’t always be here.

7. Forgetting things

When I am leaving the house for a trip, I always get scared that I forgot things like turning the hair straightener off, my passport or my Katie Show Blog travel journal (cheap plug there but I got bills to pay soooooooo yeah).

Before I leave I make a little list of things, tick them off & take it with me.

Now when that ‘oh shit we forgot Kevin’ Home Alone moment hits, I remember that I have my list and checked it twice.

It’s eased my OCD for forgetting things a lot!

8. Talking in front of a group I don’t know

People never believe me when I say it but I am actually super introverted.

When I am meeting people, unless I get that ‘friends at first sight’ connection, I don’t share too much until I have figured out if I like that person or not.

I’m very reserved and guarded and I will always sit back and listen first.

When I am around new people and in a position where I need to talk about myself, it makes me super nervous.

‘I haven’t figured out if I like you yet, I can’t possibly share anything about myself’.

I actually don’t like talking about myself in general so selling a blog/being an entrepreneur has been a real challenge. Way more scary than solo travel.

9. Small spaces

When I was booking a shark dive in Hawaii, I did the free dive option for two reasons.

1. it seemed like a lot more fun

2. I’m scared of small spaces

The thought of going into the cage was scarier than swimming with sharks!

I’m a little claustrophobic so wide open spaces are my jam. Being confined to a small space gives me the creeps big time.

Crowded elevators – no thank you.

10. Parking the car when people are around

Even though I’ve been driving and parking for so many years now, I always get a little scared when I go to park and there is an audience around.

Maybe it’s performance anxiety but I always think that it will be a Murphys Law moment when I hit a pole or another car or something silly like that.

The same goes for when you take the car to the shop and they ask you to bring it in to park in the little bays where they service it.

‘Go ahead & bring it through to this bay’

Me – ‘Or maybe you could do that for me?’

11. Wasting time

Probably my biggest, scariest fear and definitely more scary than solo travel.

Wasting time.

I’m very, very guarded with my time. I see it as a gift and it’s not a gift that I take for granted.

I say don’t let the fear of traveling, solo or not, scare you into missing the opportunity and wasting this time you have.

Our years here on the blue planet are so fleeting. We have to make the most of it so that we can enjoy new experiences, have our eyes glow in those ‘wow’ moments, and appreciate new cultures.

Don’t settle for watching amazing travel moments on TV. Set those fears aside and create moments for yourself.

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  • Sarah January 27, 2018 at 10:28 am

    Funny and great post! And escalators can indeed be scary… especially those super long/deep ones!

    • Katie Mac January 31, 2018 at 12:44 pm

      Yessssss way too scary!

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