How to create an adventure mindset

How To Create An Adventure Mindset In 5 Easy Steps

I’ve lived in a lot of places. From different cities to different states to different countries. From the idyllic Hawaii to outback Humpty Doo. And you know what they all had in common? There was always a common phrase uttered to me. “There’s nothing to do here.” It didn’t matter where I lived, there was always a few people quick to let me know that this place was boring and that there was nothing to do. And you know what? In every place I’ve lived, I’ve lived to the fullest in my spare time. It became apparent that it’s not so much the place as it is the eye for adventure, and a willingness to look for it. “There’s nothing to do here” almost seems as if it’s a lazy cop out. So today, I wanted to share my tips on how to create this adventure mindset to make the most of every chapter.

How To Create An Adventure Mindset In 5 Easy Steps

My top tips on how to create this adventure mindset to make the most of every chapter of life and actually live it!

Before we start

For me, I wasn’t always up for adventure or doing things. At one point, I was obese, miserable, not confident, and always saying no to everything. If younger me saw current me, I wouldn’t recognize myself and I definitely wouldn’t believe anything future me did.

My life has been a complete behavior 180.

I just want to add some reassurance that even if you’re at that starting point where you know you want something more, you want to change, and you want to actually live your life, it’s totally possible.

The fact that you chose to read this is a great start. You’ve got this.

Check yourself

The first step really is to check yourself, because usually it’s us that holds us back more than anything else.

Chances are there’s an instinctive and subconscious knee-jerk reaction that leans negative.

You know, the automatic “no” when someone asks you to do something or the inner dialogue that leans to “this place is boring” when you start to think about what to do.

The first step to creating an adventure mindset is to start to override that negative voice.

It’s like gym for the brain. It’s not something that you change overnight, but instead it’s something you work at until negative is no longer the default.

Overriding it involves a lot of self awareness and brutal honesty with yourself. Do you really not want to go out or are your fears and insecurities holding you back? What would change if you started to get out and make the most of your time in a place? Is it simply your ego wanting to be right that is holding you back? Is it the fear of the unknown?

When my mind does stuff like that for example when the “you can’t do that, it’s too scary” thought that pops up, I usually say in my head “thanks for the warning, I’ll be OK” then do it anyway.

Most of all, just start to question yourself when you have the negative thoughts. There’s no need to judge yourself or anything, just respond with something positive to override that automatic reflex.

How to create an adventure mindset

Start doing things

The next thing is to just get started doing something.

I think people overlook the little things so much because they think one little thing won’t really matter.

But here’s the thing. One little thing leads to a slightly bigger thing, which leads to an even bigger thing. It creates a snowball of momentum that keeps you going.

Don’t underestimate the power of just getting started.

So if you’re trying to put yourself out there to experience more adventures – whatever that means for you – start small.

Start this week.

Do something this week that you see as an adventure.

How to create an adventure mindset

Try something new

You have to get out of your comfort zone. It’s a dangerous place to live. The scariest of all places actually.

Trying something new is going to push you out of your comfort zone and open your mind to experiencing adventures. Even years from now when you’re immersed in living your life to the fullest, it’s important to remember to keep trying new things to avoid falling into a comfortable rut.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Go to a new museum
  • Visit a new coffee shop
  • Take a class – fitness, educational, craft, hobby, anything!
  • Visit a new park
  • Go on a new hike
  • Sign up to volunteer somewhere
  • Take a tour of a local or nearby city
  • Take any touristy tour
  • Anything to change your normal routine – do groceries somewhere new or try somewhere new for date night

Let go of perfection

Sometimes we are holding ourselves back from doing anything because we are waiting for the perfect thing. Or the perfect time.

There’s no more waiting though – your life isn’t long enough for that.

I think there’s also an element of judging adventures or opportunities a bit harshly – either not big enough, not glamorous enough, not far enough away, not long enough, not scary enough.

Let’s get rid of that right now.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the new adventure is, how ‘extreme’ or ‘safe’ – adventure is not defined by a size or type of outing, it’s in the new and unknown. It’s what’s adventurous to you.

If you can only ‘adventure’ when it’s a glamorous, over the top experience then you’re not an adventurer. That’s easy, but finding adventures in little moments is a real adventurer.

If you’re trying to create an adventure mindset, start to view things as experiences. Instead of judging them as good or bad, give yourself permission to simply experience them for the sake of the new experience.

Reassess your circle

Lastly, it’s time to reassess the people you surround yourself with. You are the result of the people you spend the most time with after all.

Are the voices around you people who get after it or people who are always complaining?

Do your friends sit and mope that there’s nothing to do or are they out finding their own adventures?

Are they making the most of life or letting it pass them by?

I don’t believe in cutting people out just because, but perhaps it could be time to find some people to spend time with who inspire and uplift you.

Doing things like tours or group activities and joining local Facebook group for things you’re interested in is a great place to start.

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