I’m breaking up with plastic. Well, sort of. I’ve made it my goal for 2019 to eliminate as much of the unnecessary plastic I use in everyday life as possible. It’s bad for the planet, bad for us, and really just unnecessary since there are so many alternatives. At first it seemed a bit too expensive for my budget, but, after some research, it looks like you don’t have to spend a lot to make some positive changes, and, in fact, it will probably save money in the long run. If you want to join my 2019 plastic-free challenge, or even just want some ideas for things you can replace, then read on because I’m sharing my plans in today’s post. If you have any suggestions, I’d definitely love to hear them because I’m at the beginner stage! I’ll keep you all updated here and on Instagram stories throughout the year as I start using the new items, but for now I’ve added the links for the products I plan to get.
2019 Plastic Free Challenge On $50 A Month (Well, Plastic Free-ish)
There are affiliate links included in this post. This means at no extra cost to you, I earn a commission if you book through the link.
Why I’m doing a plastic free-ish challenge
I have to admit, I’ve been slow to adopt plastic-free alternatives. And honestly, it’s because I have followed, and subsequently unfollowed, so many travel influencers who talk down on people for things like using straws.
They seem to develop this elitist attitude, judging and belittling people who don’t have bamboo cutlery while overlooking the fact that their frequent traveling is leaving far bigger carbon footprints, or at least equally as bad.
I know it’s a silly reason, but it was always so off-putting for me that I never bothered to join in. Another good reminder that if you have a cause you believe in, try to lead by example and don’t be a judgemental doushebag about it.
The fact is, it makes me so sad to walk along a beach and see piles of plastic water bottles and other junk washed up.
It’s depressing to be snorkeling amongst plastic bags and trash, which has unfortunately happened more times than I can count.
I want to make a change because it’s hypocritical of me to be so against the trash in the ocean yet still go on consuming the products that end up there.
I’ve talked about how bad it is before and done beach clean-ups but it’s not enough.
Planning out this year’s goal has really been a slap in the face of how much plastic I use, and I’m actually ashamed of it.
Now that it’s out there, it’s time for me to be part of the solution and I wanted to share in case anyone else is wanting to do the same.
The goal
To break up with as much plastic as possible.
I’m committing to replacing one thing each month with plastic or waste-free alternatives. I say one item each month but the goal is really 12 items by the end of 2019.
If I can afford to replace more within my monthly budget, I definitely will. My early budget estimates look like I’ll be able to afford to replace more than just 12 things.
I’m tackling this as more of a ‘one step at a time’ lifestyle change because I think that like with any big changes, whether it is losing weight or saving money for travel, I think it’s good to think long term and make it sustainable.
I don’t imagine being 100% plastic-free, I’m not even sure that’s possible, but I want to hit as many of my most used items as possible.
Making changes over a year will allow me to research more and invest in quality products instead of impulse buying.
Also, I just can’t afford to replace everything in one hit, so I’m here to show that even if you’re on a budget, you can still make some positive changes.
The budget
$50 a month.
If I buy something one month and it’s only $10, I’ll put the extra $40 aside for another month since some products will be cheaper to replace than others.

Beautiful beach in Sri Lanka, unfortunately loaded with trash
The items I’m swapping
One last note, these are the things I am working on replacing and if you’re looking to do your own plastic-free challenge this year you might need to change it to reflect the plastic habits you have – here is a printable table that you can use to make your own list for the year.
Puppy Pads – This is my first priority because I use way too many of these & they are so wasteful. I plan to replace these with washable puppy pads. I have ordered two different types – these and these
– from Amazon for $50 total and will update this with my favorite once I have used them.
Water bottles – I definitely need to reduce the number of plastic water bottles I use. I will buy a reusable water bottle and be diligent about taking it out with me. At the moment I am thinking of using a Hydro Flask or GRAYL water bottle. I think the Grayl will be more convenient for traveling so I’m leaning towards that at the moment.
Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, makeup wipes) – I’ll most likely order a bamboo toothbrush and washable makeup remover pads
from Amazon and get the rest from Lush. I have used the shampoo bars from Lush and they’re great, so I’ll just browse the store and pick up the rest.
Garbage bags – I didn’t even know there was a plastic-free alternative to these, but as soon as I found out, I knew I had to start using them. I’ll probably buy these compostable garbage bags from Amazon.
Paper towel – Another thing I use a lot of because of my dogs is paper towels. I’ll replace them with some washable bamboo towels from Amazon and a 2 pack looks to be about one years worth!
Cleaning products (disinfectant spray, floor cleaner, laundry detergent) – I already use Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil to clean my floors, and I’ll buy a glass spray bottle to make a disinfectant spray, and a glass jar for laundry detergent I will make. I still have more research to do on how to make the spray and laundry detergent – if you’re interested in recipes as I find them, or want more eco-friendly inspo, keep an eye on the Pinterest board I made for this goal.
Plastic shopping bags – Admittedly, I have two large reusable bags but I don’t use them as much as I should. They’re quite bulky though, as in, they don’t fold up well, so if I am running multiple errands, I don’t carry them around with me. I will invest in some reusable grocery bags that are able to be rolled up and put in my purse to eliminate that excuse! I’ll also be able to travel with them too. These produce bags
look awesome too.
Cling wrap – Admittedly, I don’t use much Cling Wrap as it is, but I plan to buy some Beeswax wrap for the times I need to.
Food storage containers – I plan to replace my plastic Tupperware with glass food containers and also buy some Stasher Bags, which have been recommended to me by many people when I first asked for plastic-free advice on Instagram.
Lady thangs – Ok, this might be the scariest of them all. I’ve heard so many good things about menstrual cups but honestly, they just seem so weird and creepy. Still, like the good planeteer, I am trying to be, I will give it a go. I’ve heard good things about the DivaCup and I follow Dot Cup on Instagram and they look like a great company, but I need to do a bit more research on these.
Straws – I plan to pick up a few stainless steel straws and keep one in my purse so I always have one with me. The biggest challenge with these will be eating out and remembering to ask them not to give me a straw. At the places where you get your own drink I already just don’t use one, but when they bring you the drink I’ll have to be more assertive and remember.
Cutlery (for on the go) – I plan to get a stainless steel cutlery set to keep in my purse so that I don’t have to use plastic knives and forks when I eat out. I don’t eat out at places like this very often, so for me, these will probably be most used for traveling. I’ve found some cool travel sets on Amazon that even come with chopsticks so you’re covered for all types of meals!
And one bonus one…
Measuring spoons & cups – This one is simple, I’ll just buy some stainless steel measuring spoons and cups.
I’m really excited to make these changes and slay my 2019 goal – once I get a goal in my head, nothing will stop me so I know we are going to conquer the excessive plastic use this year.
If you have any suggestions for more things to swap out or recommendations for brands or products you love for any of these products, please let me know!
Don’t forget my free printable table if you want to do your own plastic-free challenge – I hope this all helps!
Love all of these ideas. Ill definitely be joining you to tackle on the things I haven’t gotten around to eliminating yet.
That will be so awesome because it will be easier to work on it together! I’ve definitely been inspired by your eco-friendly outdoors posts & some of the products you’ve shared.
There’s a quiz! I believe it’s putacupinit.com to give you a recommendation for the best cup for you! I use a diva cup, and I’m not in love, but it’s good enough! Can’t wait to follow along and see the changes you make!
Awesome, I’m going to check it out now. Thank you so much!
I love all of these ideas and look forward to seeing how you go in achieving this goal. I invested in some beeswax wraps last year and I just love them, and while it can be hard sometimes when I go shopping I opt for the foods that don’t already come pre-wrapped or packaged. I just carry them loose or use reusable net bags.
Thanks so much for checking it out! I am so excited to try Beeswax wraps so it’s good to hear that you love them. Buying food & groceries seems like the biggest challenge but I’m planning on chipping away as much as possible there. I definitely have to invest in a couple of reusable net bags too.
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