Blogging Tips

Travel Blogging Hold The Travel - KSB Updates From Isolation
This month I planned to bring you content for planning a solo trip to Romania and some local guides for the Veneto region of Italy, but obviously, that was all canceled. I've been continuing to post my regular blog content that I think is valuable for planning vacations because the restrictions won't last forever. But I thought today I would post something different. It's more of a journal style of post, to kind of address the elephant in the room - the weird state being a travel blogger who can't travel. Maybe it's helpful for you, maybe it's not. I don't know, but either way, I thought it'd be good to just chat about some of the KSB updates from isolation and how I've been using the time.
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Photos That Sum Up Travel Blogging Just A Little Too Perfectly
UPDATED FEB 2020. Let's do a little behind the scenes today. I'm welcoming you inside KSB HQ for a look at some photos that sum up travel blogging just a little too perfectly. Spoiler alert: it's not all glamorous Instagram pics. If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a travel blogger, then here's an inside look for you. If you are a travel blogger yourself, I think you'll find yourself nodding along to these. Either way, I hope it gives you a laugh today. And, if you want to start your own blog, travel or otherwise, I've added the link to my guide on setting one up at the end.
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Embarrassing Blogging Mistakes - My 8 Biggest Fails As A Travel Blogger
UPDATED FEB 2020. Sometimes with everything looking so perfect on social media and in the blog world, it can be easy to think everyone has it all together. I don't think anyone would be like that with me because I do my best to show the whole picture of life. You get to see the awesome moments, but you also get to see me makeup-free when I'm working and sharing behind the scenes moments in Instagram stories or talking through my stresses on Twitter or in my social media captions. My blog is such an outlet for me, that it just needs to be authentic otherwise it would be too stressful to try and keep up with. Today I'm sharing my biggest blogging mistakes. To be honest, the list could be 10 times as long because I've made so many. But, I limited it to 8 just to remind you that hey, we all screw up. I want to also give you a reminder that if you don't feel like you've got it all together, you're not alone.
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How To Start A Successful Blog And Get Your Side Hustle Going
UPDATED FEB 2020. If I were to think of my frequently asked questions since starting KSB there are two that stand out. The first is 'where is this?' which is always asked on photos on my Instagram. The second is a series of questions all about blogging. In today's post, I am sharing a detailed post on how to start a successful blog for any niche. It's full of practical tips to help you get that side hustle started today.
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Working With Passion - The 7 Common Side Effects You Experience
UPDATED FEB 2020. Working with passion, the world needs a little more of this, doesn't it? It seems like so many of us are stuck in the mundane, the comfortable life or the toxic workplace and a lot of us have lost our spark along the way. If you were wondering what it's like to make the change, here are 7 side effects of putting your heart into everything you do and working with passion.
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How To Work From Home AND Be Super Organized
UPDATED FEB 2020. Working from home is great, isn't it? We are allowed a great deal of freedom to get things done as we create a business that is exactly what we want. As rewarding as it is, there are many challenges that come with working from home and it takes a focused, self-motivated individual to succeed. Someone who would search for tips on productivity for example - you're off to a good start! Here are my top 8 tips on how to work from home AND be super organized.
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My Guide On How To Manage Stress (In A High Stress World)
UPDATED FEB 2020. Life in our fast-paced world can be a little hectic right? In one moment our phones are going off, new e-mails to respond to, new problems to solve, deadlines to meet, unexpected meetings, trying to avoid creepy Dan from accounting, don't forget to send so and so a birthday card, and exercise - note to self-schedule an exercise class, wait did I pay the phone bill this month? Safe to say our stress levels are high! I've prepared this guide on how to manage stress in our high-stress world which I have a feeling will be helpful and relevant to many of us.
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How To Start A Blog: A Guide To The 5 Essential First Steps
UPDATED FEB 2020. “Katie, how do I start a blog?” This question has become rather common for me recently and is one that I find a little tricky to answer in a way that can be most helpful to those asking. I usually respond with “What do you want to blog about?” at which point an awkward pause usually follows. When this happens I know that it would be unhelpful of me to go through the click-by-click specifics of starting a blog. Instead, I take a step back and delve into the essential steps needed to build a solid blog foundation and today I am sharing these steps.
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Leaving My Toxic Workplace - My Thoughts About Moving On
UPDATED FEB 2020. Leaving my toxic workplace had been something I had thought of for a long time. I am proud of myself today because I finally moved on from what had been controlling my life.
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10 Lessons Learned In My First 2 Months Of Blogging
UPDATED FEB 2020. Well done - you started a blog. Firstly, take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You deserve to congratulate yourself for taking that first step into the blogosphere. If you are like me, you didn't come into this an expert. You're probably learning about all that blogging has to offer as you move along on your blog journey. In today's post, I'm sharing 10 lessons learned in my first 2 months of blogging. Whoever and wherever you are whilst reading this, I hope they can be of use to you.
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