UPDATED MAR 2020. We all have that dream list right? Things we always want to do but they end up on the ‘one-day’ list. I’ve been thinking a lot about living out dreams lately. Specifically, how some people seem to be living their dreams, ticking these items off their list with zeal. Whereas others simply have a list and are waiting for this elusive ‘one-day.’ What if that day is now and you could live your dreams today? Here are 4 tips to help you start creating your dream life today.
Live Your Dreams Today – 4 Tips To Create Your Dream Life
I used to schedule my dreams for ‘one day’
For a while, I was one of those people who didn’t really know how to make my dreams come to life.
To be honest, I probably didn’t even know what my dreams were.
I had far off visions of things that would probably be cool to happen, but I never really thought it would come true. I spent most of my time going through the motions of working, studying, exercising. You know, just the basics.
At some point, I just started going for the things I wanted in life. I traveled, I tried sports I had always wanted to, I started a blog, saw Beyonce in concert, moved countries, volunteered at Australia zoo and in a children’s hospital, went skydiving and have just last week purchased tickets to WrestleMania.
This is my biggest childhood dream. As you can tell, some of those dreams are trivial and some are more meaningful. All together they tell a story of me and my unique journey.
I took a little while to get this sorted though.
So here are a few of the things I have come across to help you start living your dreams now. Please don’t take as long as I did!
Brainstorm your dreams
Before anything else, you need to understand what your dreams are. What are you working towards?
Go get a pen and paper and just write. What are your life’s dreams? It doesn’t matter if they are realistic or not.
Don’t worry about if they are trivial or meaningful, big or small. Just write freely with no inhibitions. It’s a brainstorm, so it’s a process of getting everything out of you and onto the paper.
This will become something that you can narrow down into your dream list. Now you have a place to start so you can begin ticking items off the list.
I can tell you that when I did my dream brainstorm there were all sorts of things on there.
Some of which were not even realistic. But doing a dream brainstorm was so useful in getting all these dreams out of me and onto the paper.
Then I had a clear guide of what my dreams actually were.
Sacrifice to live your dreams
It’s not going to come easy. The fact is you need to make sacrifices to make your dreams come true.
Maybe it is a financial sacrifice. To get to your dream you might have to spend some money. Perhaps you have to live on a budget to save up enough money. Maybe it is a time sacrifice.
To live your dream you need to work really hard, focusing all your time on this dream? Maybe it is a separation from loved ones to achieve this dream?
Whatever it is, there is usually an element of risk and sacrifice. The one thing to remember is that ‘you can’t get the fruit without going out on a limb’.
I can tell you that all of my dreams came with an element of sacrifice. Volunteering at the zoo or hospital, for example, meant I had to sacrifice my days off.
Moving to Hawaii meant sacrificing a whole lot of time doing paperwork and $10,000 in immigration fees. I had to eat so many cans of tuna to save up for it.
To get to all of my dreams I had to give up something, but you know what? It was all worth it.
Make your dreams happen
If you want to live your dreams today, pick one of your dreams from the list and go for it.
Don’t wait for the ‘one day’ because you are not promised any more days so it might never happen.
Find out what is needed to make this dream happen and go for it. Whether it is a long term plan like starting a savings plan for your dream holiday or a short term plan of booking a bungee jump.
Whatever it is, start making it happen because it won’t just happen on its own.
One of the common mistakes we fall into is thinking that others, who are living their life to the fullest, are just lucky. People sometimes show signs of jealousy as if these dreams just happened for those people.
I can almost guarantee you that it didn’t just happen – those people took the steps to make it happen.
And so can you.
Be observant
Timing is everything and you need to be observant so that you can grab hold of opportunities as they present themselves to you.
Don’t get so lost in the mix of everyday life that you miss the extraordinary stuff and the opportunities right in front of your nose.
With the Wrestlemania tickets, it presented itself as an opportunity for me when I saw the advertisement that they were going on sale.
If I were too wrapped up in my phone or work, I may have missed that ad and the opportunity which came in a very simple form.
This has happened to me a few times, and I think being attentive to your surroundings is a great way to spot new opportunities.
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